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Two Truckloads Arrive from Los Angeles for Saturday Distribution in Porterville: Food Donation to Aid Citrus Freeze Farm Workers

Two Truckloads Arrive from Los Angeles for Saturday Distribution in Porterville
Food Donation to Aid Citrus Freeze Farm Workers

What:   UFW Foundation volunteers will be giving $30,000 worth of non-perishable food items to farm workers and their families affected by the citrus freeze.  This is the first food distribution since last month’s freezing temperatures left an estimated 28,000 farm workers jobless in the San Joaquin Valley alone.

Food was donated by the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO.  The two truckloads were driven from Los Angeles to Porterville, courtesy of the Teamsters International Union and Teamsters Local 63.

When:  Saturday, Feb. 10, 2007 at NOON 
Comission Honorifica                    
368 E Date, Porterville
(Corner of Date and Plano)  

Who: Arturo Rodriguez, UFW Foundation Chair
  Diana Tellefson, UFW Foundation Executive Director
  UFW Foundation Volunteers

Visuals:  Farm workers and their families affected by the citrus freeze disaster receiving food donations.