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Top Vegetable Grower Retaliates Against Worker for Speaking Up

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Top Vegetable Grower Retaliates Against Worker for Speaking Up

BAKERSFIELD – Tanimura & Antle retaliated against former employee Mateo Silva for statements he made during a March 13 press conference. Silva was told he would not be recalled or rehired due to his public statements regarding the company’s failure to inform T&A employees of job openings as required by federal law.  Tanimura & Antle, based in Salinas, CA, is one of the largest vegetable companies in the country growing among other things lettuce, tomatoes and broccoli.

On March 13, Silva appeared at a UFW press conference announcing the filing of a complaint against Tanimura & Antle for violating federal law by denying jobs to qualified U.S. farm workers, while at the same time hiring temporary foreign workers under the H2A program.

As a result of the company’s refusal to hire Silva, the UFW and Farmworker Justice have filed a complaint asking the Department of Labor to investigate the incident. The complaint further asks that Silva be reinstated immediately, paid back wages, and that Tanimura & Antle be barred from further participation in the H2A program.

“The abuses at Tanimura & Antle are common in the H2A guest worker program. The program needs to be cleaned up, but the Bush Administration recently announced plans for a radical decrease in government oversight of the program that will make the old Bracero program look like a workers’ paradise,” said Bruce Goldstein, executive director of Farmworker Justice.

Added Armando Elenes, UFW external organizing director, “No worker should have to face this sort of retaliation simply for speaking up.”

Background: A day after the March 13 press conference, Tanimura & Antle issued a letter to its employees informing them work was available in Yuma, Ariz. In the letter, workers were informed those wishing to work in Yuma would have their transportation and housing paid for.

A conference call with worker Mateo Silva and  Armando Elenes, UFW external organizing director  will be held at 2 p.m. TODAY, Thursday, March 28. 

**Click to listen to spanish language interview