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Thousands of farm workers among Mexicans & Mexican Americans greeting Mexican President Vicente Fox at Fresno gathering co-hosted by UFW

8:15 a.m. Thursday, March 22, 2001
Thousands of farm workers among Mexicans &
Mexican Americans greeting Mexican President
Vicente Fox at Fresno gathering co-hosted by UFW

Thousands of farm workers are expected to be among thousands of Mexican Americans and Mexican national listening to Mexican President Vicente Fox at a public session Thursday morning in Fresno sponsored by the Mexican Consulate and co-sponsored by the United Farm Workers of America, AFL-CIO. It is part of President Vicente Fox’s two-day, four-city swing through California.

Farm workers from the Central Valley and across the state will gather in Fresno to hear the new Mexican leader along with students, professors and families from area Latino communities. Many farm workers are very interested in the President’s views about the drive by America’s labor movement for a new law granting amnesty to undocumented workers.

Another key issue for field laborers is proposed legislation in congress resulting from negotiations last fall between the UFW and the nation’s agricultural industry. It would allow undocumented farm workers and their families win temporary residents status and later permanent resident status. Also attending the Fresno event will be UFW President Arturo Rodriguez and key UFW leadership.

Slated to speak in Fresno are President Vicente Fox, a student and a farm worker. The President is also visiting Sacramento, San Jose, and Los Angeles during the visit.

Who: Mexican President Vicente Fox with thousands of Central Valley Mexican Americans and Mexican nationals, including many farm workers.

What: Encounter between the President and Mexicans and Mexican Americans living in the Central Valley.

When: 8:15 a.m., Thursday, March 22, 2001

Where: Exhibit Hall, New Convention Center, 848 "M" St. (corner of Kern & Fresno) in Fresno.
