Thousands join farm workers for last leg of 165-mile, 11-day ‘March for the Governor’s Signature’ to Sacramento
Weary farm workers completing the final leg of their 165-mile, 11-day "March for the Governor’s Signature" to the state Capitol are being joined Sunday by thousands of farm workers and supporters. Marchers are arriving on more than 100 buses from throughout California after leaving Saturday night and early Sunday morning for Sacramento.
The march plus continuing fasts and vigils at the state Capitol are part of a United Farm Workers campaign urging Gov. Gray Davis to sign SB 1736, the UFW-sponsored bill granting farm workers mediation and arbitration to win their first union contracts when growers drag out negotiations.
UFW President Arturo Rodriguez, union co-founder Dolores Huerta and other march leaders will hold a 9:45 a.m. press availability at the 9th & "I" Sts. corner of Cesar Chavez Plaza in downtown Sacramento. The march gets underway from there at 10 a.m.
Among those providing the entertainment will be Lupito Rivera, Juan Rivera, Lalo y Los Descalsos, Relampago Norteno and Los Nuevos Centenarios.
A flatbed truck for still and TV news photographers will immediately precede the march on Sunday. Risers and mult boxes will be at the Capitol rally site.
March organizers released the schedule for Sunday.
Sunday, Aug. 25, 2002‹Cesar Chavez Plaza to state Capitol
9:45 a.m. press availability with march leaders at Cesar Chavez Plaza, 9th & "I" Sts.
10 a.m. march starts at Cesar Chavez Plaza from 9th & "I" Sts.
March proceeds west on "I" St.; left on 7th St.; left on Capitol Mall; left on 10th St.; to state Capitol’s north steps (11th & L Sts.)
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