Keep Me in the Loop!

Thank you and update re: Ruby Ridge petition

Thank you for the outpouring of support for our Ruby Ridge petition. We are excited to announce that thanks to your support the petition the Ruby Ridge Dairy workers turned in to Northwest Farm Credit Services had more than 32,300+ signatures. 

I want to thank everyone who forwarded this petition out to thousands of their friends and family and asked them to sign too. In addition around 3,000 people re-posted this campaign on their Facebook page and hundreds of people tweeted it out to their network. Thank you, thank you for helping us get the word out! We want to also thank all the organizations who sent this petition out to their e-mail lists.  All of you have made a huge difference.

Jose Miranda, one of the workers who was fired from Ruby Ridge for speaking up and who personally handed the petitions to the Northwest Farm Credit Services representative, asked us to share the following with our supporters to thank you. He had this to say:

On behalf of all my co-workers at Ruby Ridge Dairy I would like to thank everyone for their support and the signatures that you all helped us gather.  With the support of all those that signed the petition and the supporters that were present with us as we turned in the petition on Jan. 11 our spirit was lifted, we regained the strength to continue moving forward. We feel that we are not alone in our struggle. Thank you for taking the time to listen to our story. Please continue to think of us, especially next time you are drinking a glass of milk.

Again thank you for being there.  This campaign is continuing to build and we will be back to you soon with further developments and actions you could take to help these brave workers.

Si Se Puede!
Jocelyn Sherman
Internet Communications Director

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