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Teresa Kerry brings husband’s campaign to hundreds of farm workers, UFW activists

6 p.m. Tuesday, February 24, 2004,  at union’s Delano birthplace
Teresa Kerry brings husband’s campaign to hundreds of farm workers, UFW activists

Hundreds of central Valley farm workers and supporters will join Teresa Heinz Kerry and United Farm Workers President Arturo S. Rodriguez on Tuesday where Cesar Chavez’s union was founded in Delano to rally support for Sen. John F. Kerry’s presidential campaign. A press availability with Mrs. Kerry and President Rodriguez will follow the rally. She speaks Spanish.
“The United Farm Workers supports Senator John Kerry for President because he shares our vision of helping Latinos and all people achieve the decent life America promises those who work hard for a living,” Rodriguez says.
The UFW president cites Kerry’s history with the union, from participating in the grape boycott during the mid-1970s to supporting bipartisan legislation “dealing fairly with the dilemma facing immigrant workers, their families and employers,” Rodriguez says.
Kerry is a co-sponsor with more than 50 U.S. senators from both parties of the AgJobs bill, S. 1645, allowing undocumented farm workers to earn permanent legal status by continuing to work in agriculture. “It is far more meaningful than the empty rhetoric of the immigration plan President Bush proposed in January.”
The rally takes place at the site in Delano where Sen. Robert F. Kennedy joined Chavez to end his 25-day fast for nonviolence on March 10, 1968.

Who: Teresa Heinz Kerry, UFW President Arturo S. Rodriguez, 200 farm workers, supporters and local officials.
What: Rally to support Sen. John F. Kerry’s presidential campaign; press availability.
When: 6 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 24, 2004.
Where: “Forty Acres” in Delano, birthplace of the Cesar Chavez-founded UFW, Garces Hwy. & Metler Ave. (just west of Delano).

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