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Sunday, March 28th, thousands in Bakersfield celebrate Cesar Chavez’s legacy, march for immigration reform

Sunday, March 28th, thousands in Bakersfield celebrate Cesar Chavez’s legacy, march for immigration reform

Delano, Calif. – Thousands of people are expected to march for immigration reform to celebrate Cesar Chavez’s legacy Sunday, March 28th, beginning at 10 a.m. at the Cesar Chavez Park in Delano. Last week, some 300 farm workers from across the U.S. marched with UFW President Arturo S. Rodriguez and more than 200,000 people who gathered in Washington D.C. to demand Congress and President Obama enact a comprehensive immigration reform.

The Delano UFW-sponsored march is part of the Reform Immigration FOR America national campaign pushing for comprehensive immigration reform legislation that would allow approximately 12 million undocumented immigrants to legalize their residency status in this country.

“Now more than ever a comprehensive U.S. immigration reform is key in helping rebuild our country and giving back American working families the prosperity and equality they deserve,” said Rodriguez, who will be representing farm worker union members at the Washington D.C. rally. Every comprehensive immigration reform bill considered by the U.S. Senate has included AgJOBS.
Last year, the UFW’s nationwide campaign “Con La Union de Campesinos Tendremos Papeles” (With the United Farm Workers We’ll Get Our Papers) attracted more than 20,000 people to the different events that took place in California. The current comprehensive immigration bill includes AgJOBS legislation, which would allow farm workers to earn the legal right to permanently stay in this country by continuing to work in agriculture. That is the aim of the UFW’s landmark, broadly-backed AgJOBS bill negotiated by the union and the nation’s agricultural industry.

“Americans depend for their food on the labor and skill of undocumented farm workers. We need professional farm workers with the experience and skills to produce the fresh fruit and vegetables that feed Americans. Growing food in our own country allows us to control pesticide use and food safety, and ensure farm workers are treated with respect and dignity,” he said.

"The farm worker movement Cesar began is the root of the Latino political movement,” he continued. “Now we have a president, Barack Obama, whose own roots are like ours and whose presidential campaign was rooted in Cesar’s grito, ‘Si se puede!’ or ‘Yes we can!’”

Chavez’s March 31 birthday is celebrated as an official holiday in eight states. April 23 marks the anniversary of his death.
WHO:     United Farm Workers members and supporters.
WHAT:   March for immigration reform honoring Cesar Chavez’s legacy.
WHEN:   Mass at 10 a.m., (march at 12:30 p.m.) Sunday, March 28, 2010.
WHERE: Cesar Chavez Park (located at the corner of 9th and Ellington), Delano.