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Strawberry workers victims of violence at sit-in protest over ALRB’s refusal to prosecute; UFW’s Huerta decries 16 years of agency inaction

10 a.m. Tuesday, January 19, in Wasco

World’s largest rose producer tests new $5 million, 150-job rose packing plant; aided by UFW-grower-worker partnership

Bear Creek Production Co. President & CEO Bill Williams, United Farm Workers President Arturo Rodriguez and elected leaders of the workers at the world’s biggest rose producer will conduct reporters on a walk through of the nearly-completed $5 million Wasco rose packing plant that is creating more than 150 new jobs in Kern County. Fifty-two jobs have already been filled at a time of high unemployment in area agriculture due to the citrus freeze.

Bear Creek is moving its Redi-Plant7 rose packing operation from company headquarters in Medford, Oregon to Wasco, Calif. where 1,400 rose workers have been represented by the UFW since 1996. Before, it trucked roses grown locally to be packed and shipped across the nation from the Oregon facility. The Wasco plant is expected to be in full production later this year.

Also under construction at the Wasco site is a new office complex. The location will also feature a tour route facility so tourists can see how roses are grown, packaged and shipped.

The new packing plant is but one result of an historic cooperative partnership between the UFW, Bear Creek and the workers that has improved efficiency and production.

Who: Bear Creek Production Co. President & CEO Bill Williams, United Farm Workers President Arturo Rodriguez, elected worker leaders and other union and company officials.

What: A "walk through" of Bear Creek’s nearly-completed Redi-Plant7 rose packing operation.

When: 10 a.m., Tuesday, Jan. 19, 1999.

Where: Bear Creek Production Co., 29341 Kimberlina Rd., Wasco (call 805-758-7500 for directions).

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