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Strawberry Workers Strike Coastal Berry to Protest Sham Election And Company Union Tactics. Company’s San Andreas and Jensen ranches shut down as workers converge on company headquarters


News conference at company at 11:00

Strawberry Workers Strike Coastal Berry to Protest Sham Election And Company Union Tactics

Company’s San Andreas and Jensen ranches shut down as workers converge on company headquarters

Hundreds of strawberry workers at Coastal Berry Co., the largest employer of strawberry workers, walked off their jobs today to protest yesterday=s election in which a so-called union won in balloting preceded by violence and illegal pressure tactics.

The workers are protesting the company=s failure to halt assaults directed by foremen and supervisors on workers identified as supporting the United Farm Workers. They are also protesting the Agricultural Labor Relations Board=s refusal to halt balloting despite the violence and the fact that the only organization workers could vote for is led by an individual tied to front groups financed by the strawberry industry.

In balloting in the so-called union election, the Coastal Berry Farm Workers Committee won 523 votes and Ano union@ won 410 votes. The UFW refused to participate, saying the election was a farce.

AWe don=t want a company union forced on us. We want to be able to make a free choice,@ said strawberry worker Efren Vargas. AWhat kind of choice is it to choose between a company union run by growers or no union when we=re being assaulted and threatened?@

We don=t want a company union forced on us. We want to be able to make a free choice,@ said strawberry worker Efren Vargas. AWhat kind of choice is it to choose between a company union run by growers or no union when we=re being assaulted and threatened?@

NEWS BRIEFING: With strikers, UFW Secretary-Treasurer Dolores Huerta, at Coastal Berry headquarters, corner of Beach Drive and Rodriguez, 11:00 a.m. Pacific Time.

With strikers, UFW Secretary-Treasurer Dolores Huerta, at Coastal Berry headquarters, corner of Beach Drive and Rodriguez, 11:00 a.m. Pacific Time.