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Statement from Arturo S. Rodriguez, President, United Farm Workers of America, AFL-CIO-“Rule by terrorism” in Coastal Berry Co. election




"Rule by Terrorism" in Coastal Berry Co. Election

July 23, 1998-Watsonville, Calif.

This election was stained by some of the worst violence and coercion by grower managers against farm workers in the 23-year history of California’s Agricultural Labor Relations Act. It makes a mockery of the law created to "encourage and protect" the right of farm workers to organize.

The United Farm Workers and strawberry workers presented convincing evidence to the agricultural Labor Relations Board that Coastal Berry Co. foremen and supervisors organized and ordered violent attacks on pro-UFW berry pickers and law officers in the fields on July 1, and the same terrorist group then forced workers to sign election petitions by threatening their lives and livelihoods.

ALRB Salinas Regional Director Fred Capuyan informed us Wednesday afternoon that his decision to proceed with the election and count the ballots was made out of fear of further violence. Instead of aggressively prosecuting lawbreakers who attacked workers for peacefully organizing, the state of California has surrendered to extortion and terrorism.

Coastal Berry says it cannot protect workers from a violent criminal element within the company. By proceeding with an election tainted by fear and violence, the ALRB shows that it too cannot protect workers’ most basic rights.

Even though the UFW could have easily participated in the election had we chosen to do so, the union refused to add legitimacy to this farce. It should never have been allowed. If there is a trace of justice left at the ALRB, the election will be overturned. Rule by terrorism cannot be allowed to stand.

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