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Statement by UFW President Arturo S. Rodriguez on the Introduction of Comprehensive Immigration Reform Legislation for 2007

Statement by UFW President Arturo S. Rodriguez
on the Introduction of Comprehensive
Immigration Reform Legislation for 2007

(California) – In response to the first major comprehensive immigration reform legislation introduced this year by U.S. Representatives Luis Gutierrez (D-Illinois) and Jeff Flake (R-Arizona), which includes AgJobs, the bipartisan legislation negotiated between the United Farm Workers of America (UFW) and the nation’s agricultural industry to allow farm workers earn legal status to continue to work in agriculture, UFW President Arturo S. Rodriguez issues the following press statement:

“In the spirit of true bipartisanship and renewed efforts to pass comprehensive immigration reform this year, this is the first step to provide earned legalization for our nation’s immigrant community, including the thousands of hard-working farm workers who perform some of the most important and vital work for this country – feeding America and make us stronger.

“Our country needs to fix our broke immigration system, and this is the beginning to help immigrant farm laborers and their families stay together and fully participate in the society they help to feed.  We applaud the efforts of U.S. Representatives Gutierrez and Flake and the many more legislators who stand in solidarity to make sure we make comprehensive immigration reform happens this year.”
