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Senate Committee Supports New California Holiday In Honor of Cesar Chavez

California State Senate

Senate Majority Leader

Senator Richard G. Polanco


For Immediate Release: April 13, 1999

Contact: Bill Mabie: (213) 620-2529

Sacramento– The Senate Government Organizations Committee today approved Senate Bill 984, which would create a new California holiday in honor of Cesar Chavez who passed away April 23, 1993. Eight Senators voted in favor and three voted against. The Bill’s author Senate Majority Leader Richard G. Polanco today said, "Cesar Chavez’ message of justice and nonviolent protest, his advocacy for improved working and social conditions of workers and his leadership in the farm worker movement make him an inspiration and role model for us all".

Polanco who chairs the 20 member Democratic Latino Legislative Caucus said that his bill would designate March 31 every year as "Cesar Chavez Day". Chavez was born on March 31, 1927. It was also on that day in 1962 that Chavez dedicated himself full time to the struggle of farm workers. Polanco’s measures would grant a paid holiday to state employees. In 1993, former Governor Pete Wilson vetoed a similar measure authored by Sen. Art Torres (Ret.).

In 1983, the legislature enacted the "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" holiday in the same manner outlined in Polanco’s draft. At the time, the Commission on State Mandates determined that the only mandated costs associated with that holiday were one-time administrative costs of $250,000.

"Proper state recognition of Cesar Chavez is long overdue. Honoring him in this way will send an important message that California recognizes and values the leadership, personal sacrifice and the commitment to non-violence that defined the life of Cesar Chavez," Polanco said.
