UFW’s Labor day weekend convention marks union’s 40th anniversary as farm workers await Gov. Davis decision on historic bill
Thousands of delegates and guests gather over the Labor Day weekend for the United Farm Workers’ Sixteenth Constitutional Convention marking the union’s 40th anniversary. UFW President Arturo Rodriguez will preside over the two-day event.
As they meet Saturday, Aug. 31 and Sunday, Sept. 1 in the Exhibit Hall of the Fresno Convention Center, 848 "M" St., farm workers also wait to see if Gov. Gray Davis will sign historic legislation that would help them win union contracts when growers drag out negotiations.
Highlights from Saturday’s events at the convention center’s Exhibit Hall, include:
* 1-3:30 p.m.–"Founder’s Program" honoring the original union members organized by Cesar Chavez between 1962 and 1965, including delegates to the UFW’s founding convention which met in an abandoned Fresno theater on Sept. 30, 1962. The UFW has located about 50 original union members and 150 of their family members, many of whom will be present in Fresno.
* 4 p.m. Lic. Roberto Rodriguez, director general de proteccion y asuntos consulares. He is responsible for the protection of Mexican citizens through Mexican consulates located around the world.
* 4 p.m.–Video message to the convention from Mexican President Vicente Fox.
* 3:30 p.m.–Presentation of retroactive checks from the union’s pension plan–for $23,149 and $10,347–to two retired farm workers.
* 5 p.m.–Address by California Lt. Gov. Cruz M. Bustamante.
* 7 p.m.–Dinner address by U.S. Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.), a leading champion of Latino rights, to the farm workers movement’s civic action fund.
Members of the working press can obtain credentials at the press section to the right of the stage in the Exhibit Hall.
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