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Press Release: ‘Take Our Jobs’ Campaign Calls on Jobless Citizens to Replace Immigrants Farm Workers


‘Take Our Jobs’ Campaign Calls on Jobless
Citizens to Replace Immigrants Farm Workers

Members of Congress Asked to Urge Constituents
to Apply for Farm Jobs

Washington, DC – Prominent labor and political leaders concerned about an adequate labor supply for the crucial agricultural sector, host a telephonic news conference on Thursday, June 24, to launch the national “Take Our Jobs” campaign aimed at hiring U.S. citizens and legal residents to fill jobs that often go to undocumented farm workers. They will take the campaign to Members of Congress and the general public through a national broadcast appearance on the Colbert Show set for July 8 in an effort to generate public interest in the plan. The effort, sponsored by the United Farm Workers of America (UFW), spotlights the immigrant labor issue and underscores the need for reforms without which the domestic agricultural industry could be crippled, leading to more jobs moving off shore.

At the campaign kickoff, UFW President Arturo Rodriguez and Rob Williams, Director of the Migrant Farmworker Justice Project, will join Michael Rubio, Kern County supervisor, who represents the second largest agricultural county in the nation.

In a letter to U.S. lawmakers, UFW offers farm workers who are “ready to train citizens and legal residents who wish to replace immigrants in the fields,” and encourages Members of Congress to refer their constituents to vacant farm worker positions. UFW has locations across the country where Members of Congress can direct their constituents willing to do work on large-scale farms.  Employers will be on hand at each site to answer questions, meet prospective employees and assist in the application process. All who are interested or unemployed and are legal residents or U.S. citizens are encouraged to apply.

WHO:              Arturo Rodriguez, president of the United Farm Workers; Rob Williams, director of the Migrant Farmworker Justice Project; Michael Rubio, Kern County supervisor. 

WHAT:            Launching the “Take Our Jobs” campaign through Members of Congress and Comedy Central’s Colbert Show.

WHEN:            Thursday, June 24 at 1:30 p.m. EST