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Preserving Access to the Internet for Everyone

Under AOL’s Goodmail system, wealthy corporations and organizations will be able to continue using the Internet in the most effective way. But the United Farm Workers is a poor union organizing the most abused low-wage workers in America.

For us, the Internet truly is a great equalizer. At almost no cost we’ve mobilized thousands of supporters across North America who regularly respond to our email appeals.

• Thousands of emails from our appeals last summer helped convince Gov. Schwarzenegger to issue the first state regulation in the nation preventing deaths and illness from extreme heat, in which Sen. Florez played a key role.

• We’ve generated tens of thousands of email appeals to lawmakers for our AgJobs immigration reform bill.

• After more than 100,000 emails from supporters, last year we won a three-month boycott of Gallo wines and got those workers in Sonoma County a new contract.

• We are effectively using the Internet to support farm workers currently organizing at companies such as Giumarra, the largest U.S. table grape grower, and at the largest dairy in Oregon.

• We’ve brought pressure to bear on Kovacevich "5" Farms of Delano, a table grape grower being sued by the government for allegedly refusing to hire women workers.

• Growers and the companies that buy and sell their products will refuse our initial requests for meetings over worker grievances. After they get thousands of emailed appeals from our supporters, we often get meetings–and action.

• We also use the Internet to fight for more pesticide protection for farm workers and consumers.

If Goodmail goes through it could seriously hamper our ability to effectively communicate and use the Internet to aide farm workers.

To see many of our current email appeals, visit 

Statement by Marc Grossman, principal Spokesman, United Farm Workers, at state Capitol, Sacramento, news conference with state Sen. Dean Florez.  March 15, 2006

Bakersfield Californian:  3/16/06: Florez calls AOL out on plan

ClickZ News, NY – 3/15/06: Calif. Lawmaker to Hold Hearings on AOL E-Mail Plan

US – 3/15/06: Senator Says AOL E-mail Tax Proposal Dooms Net Neutrality

Inside Bay Area, CA – 3/16/06: AOL’s ‘e-mail tax’ exclusionary, critics charge

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