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Pictsweet workers host prayer vigil after state prosecutors charge company with firing leading union activist for supporting the UFW

7:30 p.m. Saturday, September 8,  in Ventura
Pictsweet workers host prayer vigil after state prosecutors charge company with firing leading union activist for supporting the UFW
In another blow to embattled Pictsweet Mushroom Farms, state Agricultural Labor Relations Board prosecutors on Sept. 4 issued a complaint charging the Ventura firm with illegally firing a leading United Farm Workers activist at the plant last May in a bid "to discourage membership in the UFW."
Pictsweet workers are inviting community members to a prayer vigil in front of the plant at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday where they will call on the company to restore the fired employee and bargain in good faith for a UFW contract.
According to the complaint issued by ALRB Regional Director Kerry M. Donnell, worker Fidel Andrade was suspended from his job by Pictsweet on May 27 and fired on May 31 for exercising his rights to organize and support the union. Andrade was an outspoken UFW leader among the workers at Pictsweet. 
Worker charges that Andrade’s firing was designed to "chill" support for the UFW among other Pictsweet laborers was affirmed by the ALRB complaint.
Remedies recommended by prosecutors include having the firm "cease and desist from suspending and discharging any agricultural employees" for legally-protected organizing activities, from "interfering with, restraining or coercing [workers] in the exercise of [their] rights," offering to rehire Andrade and reimbursing him "for all wages and other economic losses he suffered" since his May 27 suspension.
In addition, the ALRB regional director wants Pictsweet to sign notices to its 350 workers detailing the remedies and allow farm labor board agents to distribute and read the notices to all employees on company time and property.
In a detailed nine-count complaint issued June 26, ALRB prosecutors affirmed worker charges that Pictsweet violated a host of state labor laws in its bid to avoid negotiating a contract with the UFW. Bargaining has gone nowhere since January 2000, with Pictsweet refusing to offer any pay or benefit increases.
Meanwhile, at a Sept. 1 march and rally in Ventura, workers displayed a huge blown up copy of a petition, signed by 62% of Pictsweet’s work force, renewing their support for the UFW and calling on Pictsweet to negotiate in good faith for a UFW contract.

Who:         Pictsweet workers and community members.
What:        A prayer vigil calling on Pictsweet to rehire illegally fired worker Fidel Andrade and bargain
                  in good faith for a UFW contract.
When:       7:30 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 8, 2001.
Where:      In front of Pictsweet Mushroom Farms, 4440 Olivas Park Dr. (north of Telephone Rd.) 
                  in Ventura.

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