One week later…
Immigrant community, workers, labor and religious leaders to gather in heart of L.A.’s immigrant community and issue call for unity
One week later…
Immigrant community, workers, labor and religious leaders to gather in heart of L.A.’s immigrant community and issue call for unity
Prayer Service and Candlelight Procession for Unity
One week after the terrorist attacks on America, hundreds of immigrant workers, labor unions, religious, immigrant, and community organizations, and others will gather at a prayer service in the heart of the Los Angeles immigrant community and issue a call for unity. After the service, leaders will lead a procession through downtown Los Angeles to highlight the importance of unity in the wake of the terrorist attacks that threaten to divide our communities.
The prayer service will be held Tuesday, September 18 at 5 p.m. at the Placita Olvera – Our Lady Queen of Angels Church in Los Angeles. After the service, a candlelight procession will proceed through downtown Los Angeles and include stops at the Federal Building and City Hall.
“We gather here to prove we will not let terrorists divide us with the tools of fear, violence, or hatred,” said Dolores Huerta, Co-founder of the United Farm Workers. “As a strong, diverse community we stand united and call on local institutions and others to join together and stand strong against hatred, fear, violence, and division.”
WHAT: Prayer Service and Procession for Unity
WHEN: Tuesday, September 18, 2001
Service at 5 p.m. – Procession to follow (approx. 6 p.m.)
WHERE: Our Lady Queen of Angels Church – Placita Olvera
535 N. Main Street, Los Angeles
Procession will include stops at Federal Building and City Hall
WHO: Hundreds of Immigrant workers, with religious, labor, and community leaders.