Keep Me in the Loop!

October 28: Message from UFW President Arturo Rodriguez

I joined dozens of farm workers and supporters, including California Democratic Party Chair John Burton, in forming a human billboard line Thursday morning at San Francisco City Hall, urging Latino voters to turn out on Nov. 2 to make Jerry Brown the state’s next governor and return Barbara Boxer to the U.S. Senate. It’s part of a two-week statewide UFW drive to reach 100,000 voters. Other events were held in Oxnard, Coachella and Central Valley cities. As governor from 1975 to 1982, Jerry Brown helped Cesar Chavez and the UFW win California’s pioneering 1975 law granting farm workers the right to organize, abolished the back-breaking short-handled hoe, brought farm workers unemployment insurance and named an unprecedented number of Latinos to high public office. Senator Boxer has been a strong advocate for the UFW’s bipartisan AgJobs immigration reform bill. So make sure you vote on Tuesday, Nov. 2.

Arturo S. Rodriguez, President
United Farm Workers of America