Keep Me in the Loop!

October 1: Message from UFW President Arturo Rodriguez

We want to thank everyone again for the support on our Take Our Jobs Campaign. The drive is going well and this week we continue doing even more news interviews.

On a sadder note, one of the pioneers of the farm worker movement passed away earlier this week. He never got a lot of public attention or recognition for his hard work and sacrifice, but let it be clear that Rodrigo Camacho, 91 from Dinuba, Calif., an original member of the UFW from the early 1960s who marched from Delano to Sacramento in 1966, was a true hero working tirelessly in improving the lives of farm workers across the United States. We will miss Rodrigo and will always be indebted to him and his family for his sacrifice. Long live Rodrigo!

Arturo S. Rodriguez, President
United Farm Workers