Keep Me in the Loop!

Methyl Iodide Update

Our hard work is paying off. Through all the petitions, e-mails and other actions we have taken, we have kept methyl iodide on the public radar.

Last week, the EPA announced their intention to open a public comment period on methyl iodide "due to the complexity of the issues raised and public interest in methyl iodide." *

On the same day, California Senator Diane Feinstein signaled Congressional concern when she called for federal action to protect pregnant women and farm workers in particular. Citing cancer and thyroid toxicity concerns, as well as "the opposition of hundreds of leading scientists," Feinstein has urged the EPA to reconsider that agency’s 2007 decision to approve methyl iodide. (Click here to read the newspaper article.)

The fight is not over. We will let you know shortly how to participate in the public comment period as soon as the information is available. Meanwhile, thank you for all you’ve done in helping to hold the line on methyl iodide.

Si Se Puede!