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Labor Department Proposed Roll Back to Bush-era Regulations First Step to Addressing Nation’s Agriculture Labor Supply Issues

Labor Department Proposed Roll Back to Bush-era Regulations First Step to Addressing Nation’s Agriculture Labor Supply Issues

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The United Farm Workers applaud Labor Secretary Hilda Solis for proposing changes that positively correct some of the most devastating changes President George W. Bush did to the H-2A guest worker program before leaving office in January.

The bush administration changes to the H-2A guest worker program, which took effect January 17, dramatically impacted wages and working conditions for agricultural workers under the program. Under the Bush midnight rules, agricultural employers could access cheap foreign labor with little government oversight.

"While we understand that more work needs to be done, we are pleased with this first step taken by the Labor Department to reverse the Bush attack to the farm labor laws," said UFW President Arturo S. Rodriguez.

The new proposed changes by Secretary Solis reverses some wage cuts that were inflicted on U.S. farm workers and foreign workers. The proposal would address cutbacks in labor protections and restore the requirement that U.S. workers be hired before foreign labor – a protection weakened under the Bush regulations.

"We are looking forward to addressing the nation’s agricultural labor supply through a more comprehensive approach, such as AgJOBS," Rodriguez added.  

AgJOBS, which was recently introduced before Congress, is a bill negotiated by the union and the nation’s agricultural industry to address labor issues.

Note: Members of the media interested in scheduling an interview with UFW representatives, please contact Maria Machuca, UFW Communications Director, at, (661) 837-9828.
