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KRCR-TV (CA): Students Use Day Off to Give Back


Students Use Day Off to Give Back

CHICO, Calif. Students at Chico State weren’t in class Thursday, but for some the day off was more than just an excuse to party.

Student volunteers spread out across Chico doing everything from cleaning up trash along Big Chico Creek to washing one of the city’s fire engines.

It was all part of "Cats in the Community" a student-led effort to make Cesar Chavez Day a benefit to the entire community.

For the volunteers the day was about showing that Chico was more than just the place they go to school.

“Chico State is not what it was in the past,” said event coordinator Jaypinderal Virdee. “Our students really do care about the community. We are actually involved and Chico is home for us.”

About three hundred students participated in today’s event.