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KDBC4, TX: El Paso Art Exhibit Captures Revolutionary Mexican Spirit

El Paso Art Exhibit Captures Revolutionary Mexican Spirit


by Armando Saldivar, KDBC 4 News 


International Museum of Art to this weekend.  The Casita Exhibition recreated scenes of what homes looked like during that time as well as the styles of clothing in that period.

With Cesar Chavez Day celebrated on Monday, March 31, it is also a chance to look back at a revolution of a different kind, this one dealing with the plight of the migrant farm worker.  "I actually met Cesar.  He was a great fighter, and I think he is considered the Emiliano Zapata of the United States.  That means "the great fighter for the labor people" said Mario Parra.

Parra points out the influence of religion in the lives of the Mexican people during the time of fighting.  This permanent exhibit is open to the public as a way to re-live a volatile time in Mexican history.