Keep Me in the Loop!

June 20, 2011: Message from UFW President Arturo S. Rodriguez

Hundreds of farm workers from across California are delivering SB 104, the Fair Treatment for Farm Workers Act, to Gov. Jerry Brown at the state Capitol in Sacramento at 12 noon on Thursday, June 16. At that hour, church bells will toll at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament as a procession of men, women and children–along with labor leaders and other supporters–makes its way to the Capitol. This action kicks off a 12-day campaign, including a fast, to persuade the governor to sign the bill. Farm workers in Coachella, Porterville, Fresno, Delano and other communities are staging events to raise awareness and visibility, and farm workers throughout the state are signing cards asking Gov. Brown to sign this measure. Workers and their families are preparing to leave work for one, two or three days at a time to join us. Their commitment, sacrifice and desire to improve their lives never ceases to amaze us. They have so little and yet they are willing to give so much to create a better future for themselves and their families.

Si Se Puede!

Arturo S. Rodriguez, President
United Farm Workers of America