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Instead of Meeting with Constituents to Fix Our Broken Immigration System… Rep. McCarthy’s Office Calls in Cops to Intimidate, Detain Women Activists Inside His Office

Instead of Meeting with Constituents to Fix Our Broken Immigration System…
Rep. McCarthy’s Office Calls in Cops to Intimidate, Detain Women Activists Inside His Office

Bakersfield, CA—Today, more than 100 immigrant rights advocates, faith, union, and community leaders rallied at Republican Whip Kevin McCarthy’s office, hoping to meet with the Congressman since he was in town for an event he spoke at earlier in the day. The 15 all-women delegation planned to urge the Representative to support bringing immigration reform to the House floor for a vote.

Rather than meet with his constituents, Rep. McCarthy’s staff called the Bakersfield police to lock in more than a dozen of the activists and several members of the press inside McCarthy’s office. Police turned away volunteers bringing food and critical medicine to advocates, three of whom are diabetic.

Below is a statement from Angelica Salas, the President of the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles (CHIRLA):

“For weeks, we’ve been trying to meet with Congressman McCarthy to urge him to take leadership in bringing immigration reform to the House floor for a vote. There exists a bipartisan majority in the House, yet he, Speaker Boehner, and the Republican leadership refuse to allow the vote to happen.

“Rather than facing us, and explaining his position, he’s chosen to hold us and immigration reform hostage. What he and his Republican colleagues don’t understand is that this issue is personal for us. These are our sisters and brothers, our neighbors, our co-workers who are trapped in a broken immigration system.

“We—and millions across America—are prepared to risk and put our bodies on the line for our families, our communities, and the future of this country. Rep. McCarthy and every member of Congress needs to know: We’re not going away until we get a permanent solution that puts 11 million aspiring Americans on the path to citizenship.”

From Maria Machuca, spokeswoman of the United Farm Workers of America:

“Congressman Kevin McCarthy prefers to send police officers to lock us inside his office than face women demanding he bring immigration reform to a House vote.”

The women, who come from San Francisco, San Diego, and right here from Bakersfield, are determined to stay put until Rep. McCarthy meets with them and commits to bringing immigration reform to the House floor. Other supporters outside the office will hold a candlelight vigil outside the office.  

According to a recent poll by a Republican pollster, 76 percent of voters in Rep. McCarthy’s district support immigration reform legislation that includes a pathway to citizenship. In fact, 45 percent of all voters would have a MORE favorable impression of him if he supported legislation that includes a pathway to citizenship for the 11 million undocumented immigrants in America.

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