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Immigrant Farmworkers, Labor Leaders and Advocates to the Republican House: “Do Your Jobs” on Immigration

Immigrant Farmworkers, Labor Leaders and Advocates to the Republican House: “Do Your Jobs” on Immigration
Advocates to Deliver Immigrant Processed Turkeys, Merlot and Fact Sheets to Speaker Boehner, Steve King and Other Key GOP Members;Remind Them Who’s Working Hard for America While They’re Taking More Days Off

Washington, DC – While Congress has been busy voting to repeal Obamacare forty-seven times, blaming the President for [insert anything here], taking 198 days off (including 32 of the final 40 days in 2013 as of tomorrow), complaining about having to read too many pages of legislation, and whining about “not having enough time” to do anything productive, millions of immigrant workers are working day in and day out to put Thanksgiving dinner on the tables of Members of Congress and other Americans.

Tomorrow, at 11am in Longworth 1540-A, immigrant farmworkers, labor leaders and immigration advocates will launch the “Do Your Jobs” campaign to remind Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and the rest of the House Republican conference about who is actually working hard for America and who needs to step it up. 

As a send-off to Congress before they take their two-week Thanksgiving break, advocates will deliver turkeys processed by immigrants to Speaker Boehner and other members of House Republican leadership, as well as the notorious anti-immigrant Rep. Steve King (R-IA), as a clear reminder of the back-breaking work immigrants and others do in America every single day. 

As a special touch, we’ll be giving Boehner an immigrant-harvested bottle of merlot wine (his favorite).  We’ll also be handing out fact sheets to key Members of Congress, outlining the hard work that immigrants do to harvest produce, process meats, prepare foods, clean houses, and complete the numerous other jobs necessary to set our nation’s Thanksgiving tables while Members of Congress enjoy their two-week break.

Donations will be made in the name of key Republican Members to a local area food bank.  All we ask in exchange is that Republican leadership and Members of Congress spend 20 minutes of their own time to vote on a path to citizenship for aspiring Americans. 

WHAT:            Immigrant Farmworkers, Labor Leaders and Immigration Advocates to the Republican House: “Do Your Jobs” on Immigration

WHEN:            Thursday, November 21st at 11am ET


Giev Kashkooli, National Vice President, United Farm Workers
Esther Lopez, Director, UFCW Civil Rights and Community Action Department
Adelaida Mendoza, UFW Member and immigrant grape harvester
Ben Monterroso, Executive Director, Mi Familia Vota
Maria Ramirez, UFW Member and immigrant grape harvester
Andrea Zuniga, Legislative Representative, AFL-CIO
Lynn Tramonte, Deputy Director, America’s Voice (moderator)
Farmworker Justice and other leaders will join farmworkers in the turkey delivery.

WHERE:           Longworth House Office Building 1540-A

Brief press conference will be followed by deliveries to Speaker Boehner, Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA), Minority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), Rep. Steve King (R-IA),  and other GOP offices. 


The UFW, UFW Foundation, Campesina Radio Network, and the Cesar Chavez Foundation have been actively involved in pushing for comprehensive immigration reform through its ‘Con La Union de Campesinos Tendremos Papeles’ (With the United Farm Workers, we will get our papers) nationwide campaign. Earlier this month, farm worker movement women along with other women’s organizations, and immigrant rights groups mobilized women in support of common-sense immigration reform that will keep families together and empower women. A group of brave women occupied for 12 hours House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy’s district office in Bakersfield urging him to push for a House vote. More activities are being planned for the month of November. To get involved, visit our website at or call a UFW office in your area.