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Immigrant Families & Allies Give Symbolic “Red Card” to Rep. Kevin McCarthy for Failing to Deliver on Reform

Immigrant Families & Allies Give Symbolic “Red Card” to Rep. Kevin McCarthy for Failing to Deliver on Reform

Advocates in California and U.S. Hold Key GOP Accountable for Inaction

BAKERSFIELD, CA – For more than a year—since the U.S. Senate passed a bipartisan immigration reform bill, House Republicans have repeated the same excuses and talking points about why they can’t pass similar legislation. 

Immigrant families and allies in Bakersfield mobilized Wednesday to deliver a clear message to House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), affirming that they are not giving up on legislation; they’re giving up on him.

Much like soccer referees, local immigration advocates donned whistles and delivered red cards—a soccer reference invoked by immigration champion Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Il.) on the House floor last week—for McCarthy at his Bakersfield district office, reminding him what’s at stake for the country and the Republican Party in the wake of his inaction on this important issue. 

According to United Farm Workers President Arturo Rodriguez, “No one should know better about the importance of immigration reform than our new House Majority Leader, Kevin McCarthy.  But so far, he has not called for a vote on immigration reform. Mr. McCarthy, your constituents and the country deserve a vote."

Wednesday’s events followed a separate series of actions and office occupations held last month at McCarthy  office and the offices of 22 other House Republicans marking the anniversary of the first House vote to deport DREAMers.                                                                                                                                    

Follow today’s events on twitter via the hashtag  #OccupyCIR and #TimeIsNow. 

View a list of today’s full list of events and offices HERE.

