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Hundreds of farm workers rally Latino voters for Jerry Brown in Kern; gubernatorial candidate to stump in Bakersfield Saturday

3:15 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 30
Hundreds of farm workers rally Latino voters for Jerry Brown in Kern; gubernatorial candidate to stump in Bakersfield Saturday

Bakersfield, CA – United Farm Workers President Arturo Rodriguez and hundreds of farm workers will join the Get-Out-The-Vote rally with Jerry Brown Saturday at the Ellis Island Pizza in Bakersfield. The 3:15 p.m. event is part of Brown’s ‘Let’s Get California Working Again Tour.’
Hundreds of farm workers are walking neighborhoods to help convince Latino voters in Kern County to turn out on Nov. 2 to make Democratic Attorney General Jerry Brown the state’s next governor and gain support for other key candidates.
The UFW Kern County events this weekend are part of a nationwide effort to get out the Latino vote. The two-week campaign, which kicked off with rallies in Salinas and Santa Rosa last weekend, plans to reach 100,000 California voters. Other rallies and events are being held in Salinas, Oxnard, Coachella and Central Valley cities.

As governor from 1975 to 1982, Brown helped Cesar Chavez and the UFW push through the Legislature California’s pioneering 1975 law granting farm workers the right to organize and bargain, abolished use of the infamous back-breaking short-handled hoe, brought farm workers coverage under unemployment insurance and appointed an unprecedented number of Latinos to high public office.
WHO:  Democratic gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown, UFW President Arturo Rodriguez and hundreds of farm workers
WHAT:   Rallying and visiting Latino voters behind Jerry Brown’s gubernatorial candidacy
WHEN:  Saturday, Oct. 30, 2010 at 3:15 p.m.
WHERE: Ellis Island Pizza, 3611 Stockdale Highway, Bakersfield, CA