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Gov.-elect Davis names UFW’s Rodriguez to ‘elite panel’ crafting policy on water and agricultural matters

November 20, 1998

Gov.-elect Davis names UFW’s Rodriguez to ‘elite panel’ crafting policy on water and agricultural matters

United Farm Workers President Arturo Rodriguez issued the following comment Friday from the union’s Keene, Calif. headquarters after Gov.-elect Gray Davis announced appointment of the UFW leader to his Agriculture and Water Transition Group.

A Nov. 19 release from Davis’ office described the group as "an elite panel of water and agriculture experts." It will "develop policy recommendations and proposals to advance once the governor-elect takes office."

On Nov. 3, voters in the Pajaro Valley Water Management District approved Measure K, a UFW-sponsored initiative that seeks to end salt water intrusion threatening agriculture in the Central Coast area with conservation and other measures.

Rodriguez’ statement follows:

Farm workers are a key part of the agricultural community of California. They are interested in many issues beyond labor that affect their jobs and livelihoods such as land use, pesticides and water policy.

This appointment by Gov.-elect Davis acknowledges the legitimate role farm workers should play in maintaining a healthy agricultural economy.

Among other members of the group are U.S. Reps. Gary A. Condit (D-Modesto) and Cal Dooley (D-Hanford), Cadiz Inc. founder Keith Brackpool, Lt. Gov.-elect Cruz Bustamante, state Sen. Jim Costa (D-Fresno), Assemblyman Mike Machado (D-Linden), Harris Farms Inc. CEO John Harris, California Farm Bureau past-president Bob Vice, California League of Conservation Voters past-president Winston Hickcox, San Luis & Delta-Mendota Water Authority Executive Director Daniel G. Nelson, Farmers’ Rice Cooperative Vice President William V. Huffman, prominent table grape producer Jack Jay Pandol, Mapes Ranch General Manager William Lyons Jr. and California Association of Wine Grape Growers President Karen Ross.

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