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Gov. Schwarzenegger’s veto of SB 789 shows disconnection with farm workers’ reality

Gov. Schwarzenegger’s veto of SB 789 shows
disconnection with farm workers’ reality

The United Farm Workers issued the following statement in response to Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s decision to veto SB 789.

We are disappointed, but we are not surprised. It has become very clear that the governor has no idea what it is like to work in the fields as a farm worker. His decision today to veto SB789 shows a deep disconnection between his words and the reality that hundreds of thousands of farm workers have to endure every day while harvesting the fruits and vegetables that feed America. Farm workers are subjected to sexual harassment, heat illness, abuses and intimidation at the work place. Yet, the governor, again and again, has failed to protect farm workers and continues to support employers who are responsible for at least 95 percent of the reported violations during union election campaigns.