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Farm workers & supporters across the country ask Walmart to hold Prima accountable to the retailer’s ‘Standards for Suppliers

May 22, 5-7 p.m. Thursday
Farm workers & supporters across the country ask Walmart to hold Prima accountable to the retailer’s ‘Standards for Suppliers’

Hundreds of farm workers—including employees of Gerawan Farming Inc., — and their supporters are contacting store managers Thursday between 5 and 7 p.m. at Walmart outlets across the country , asking that the retail giant hold Prima accountable to Walmart’s “Standards for Suppliers.  Targeted in Thursday’s actions are Walmart stores throughout California and across the country. 

Walmart’s first standard calls on its suppliers to “fully comply with all applicable national and/or local laws and regulations, including, but not limited to, those related to labor.” Since last year, Prima has been accused of serious multiple and repeated labor law violations by the California Agricultural Labor Relations Board general counsel or chief prosecutor including:

May 17, 2013 — The first new complaint—tantamount to an indictment—was filed by the state of California (ALRB general counsel) against Gerawan because the company  illegally proposed to exclude some of its farm workers from the protections of a union contract because they are supplied by farm labor contractors and because Gerawan is “insisting that the UFW agree to an unlawful contract proposal that contravenes the purposes of the [law],” according to the complaint. (ALRB case 2013-CE-10-VIS) 

August 15, 2013 — A second complaint was filed by the state of California (ALRB general counsel), accusing Gerawan supervisors of illegally circulating petitions to decertify the UFW.  California and national labor laws make it patently illegal for an employer to have any involvement in a campaign by its workers to decertify the union. (ALRB case 2013-CE-27-VIS)

August 21, 2013 — Fresno Superior court judge issued a temporary restraining order (TRO) against Gerawan for the August 15, 2013 complaint. 

September 16, 2013 —  Fresno Superior court judge issued injunction against Gerawan.

September 25, 2013 — The ALRB regional director dismissed the Gerawan decertification petition after a thorough investigation reveals widespread forgery, illegal company support for the decertification drive and because the petition does not contain enough worker signatures to qualify for an election. 

October 25, 2013 — The 2nd complaint filed by the state of California (ALRB general counsel) against Gerawan is amended. It now accuses Gerawan of “instigating and encouraging the gathering of signatures for a decertification petition,” having supervisors circulate petitions and telling workers to sign them, “unlawfully interrogating workers about their union activities,” threatening employees with job loss if they support the UFW,  and “surveiling” its workers. It also states that an attorney for some of Gerawan’s farm labor contractors—and therefore an agent of Gerawan—illegally represents the petitioner and other workers behind the decertification effort. (ALRB case 2013-CE-27-VIS)

October 30, 2013 — A 3rd complaint filed by the state of California (ALRB general counsel) against Gerawan, accusing the company of “failing to bargain in good faith with its employees’ union,” “impeding its employees ability to communicate with their union” and “failing to provide relevant and accurate employee information” to the UFW so it can communicate with union members. Gerawan has “intimidat[ed] [its employees] in the exercise of their right to participate in negotiations,” the complaint states. Gerawan has also taken credit for a “significant” pay hike for its workers without mentioning the UFW or that the raise was “negotiated with the union,” according to the complaint. (ALRB cases 2012-CE-41; 2012-CE-47; 2013-CE-07; 2013-CE-09; 2013-CE-25) 

April 4, 2014 — A 4th Complaint filed by State of California against Gerawan Farming (2014-CE-003) for Bad Faith Bargaining and Unlawful Restraint and Interference by illegally refusing to implement the legally binding contract ordered by the neutral mediator and approved by the ALRB. 

Farm workers are appealing to Walmart because it is one of the largest buyers of Prima-brand plums, peaches, nectarines and grapes produced by Gerawan. The workers are asking Walmart’s that it hold its suppliers accountable to Walmart’s "Standards for Suppliers".  That’s why Prima farm workers and their supporters have begun a campaign where they are going to local stores and handing managers a flyer calling on Walmart to live up to its promises.

The drive on Thursday represents an escalation of that campaign.

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