Farm workers march reaches Sacramento; thousands on last leg to state Capitol
As the 150-mile, 10-day farm workers "March for the Governor’s Signature" enters Sacramento Saturday, thousands are poised to join weary marchers for the final leg to the state Capitol on Sunday. More than 100 buses from across the state are leaving Saturday night and early Sunday morning for Sacramento.
After logging 16.5 miles on Saturday, marchers–including actor Ed Begley Jr.–will gather for a 6 p.m. Catholic mass at Cesar Chavez Plaza in downtown Sacramento celebrated by Bishop Richard Garcia. Dominating the concrete stage where the mass will be held is an heroic bronze statute of the legendary United Farm Workers founder leading the union’s first trek to Sacramento in 1966.
The march as well as continuing fasts and vigils at the Capitol are part of a UFW campaign urging Gov. Gray Davis to sign SB 1736, the UFW-sponsored bill granting farm workers mediation and arbitration to win their first union contracts when growers drag out negotiations.
A flatbed truck for still and TV news photographers will immediately precede the march on Saturday and Sunday. Risers and mult boxes will be at the Capitol rally site. March organizers announced routes and schedules for the last weekend.
Saturday, Aug. 24, 2002–Elk Grove to Cesar Chavez Plaza (downtown Sacramento)
8 a.m. march starts at Franklin Elementary School at 4011 Hood-Franklin Rd., cross street Franklin Blvd., in Elk Grove.
March proceeds north on Franklin Blvd.; right on Mack Road; left on Center Parkway; stop for lunch at Roy J. Nielson Park (Center & Tangerine); north on Center Parkway; left on "A" Parkway; right on Franklin Blvd.; left on Sutterville Rd.; break at Curtis Park; east on 10th Ave.; left on Franklin Blvd.; left on Broadway; right on 21st St.; left on "I" St.; end at Cesar Chavez Plaza (10th & "I" Sts.).
6 p.m. mass at Cesar Chavez Plaza, 10th & "I" Sts., downtown Sacramento.
Sunday, Aug. 25, 2002–Cesar Chavez Plaza to state Capitol
9:45 a.m. press availability with march leaders at Cesar Chavez Plaza, 9th & "I" Sts.
10 a.m. march starts at Cesar Chavez Plaza from 9th & "I" Sts.
March proceeds west on "I" St.; left on 7th St.; left on Capitol Mall; left on 10th St.; to state Capitol’s north steps (11th & L Sts.).
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