Farm worker supporters rally for historic UFW bill at governor’s L.A. office
Four days after 5,000 people rallied at the state Capitol to conclude the farm workers’ 165-mile, 10-day "March for the Governor’s Signature," more than 100 activists will rally outside Gov. Gray Davis’ Los Angeles office urging his signature on SB 1736. That is the United Farm Workers-sponsored bill granting field laborers mediation and arbitration to win union contracts when growers drag out negotiations. The governor received the bill on Monday.
The demonstrators–including actors Ed Begley Jr. and Miguel Contreras, leader of the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO–want Gov. Davis to sign the most important farm labor bill since 1975. That year saw passage of California‘s pioneering law granting farm workers the right to organize.
Even though farm workers at 428 companies voted in secret-ballot elections to be represented by the UFW since 1975, only 185 growers have signed contracts with the Cesar Chavez-founded union. Thousands of farm workers didn’t win union contracts because growers dragged out negotiations for years, sometimes decades. "What good is the right to organize if farm workers don’t get contracts?" asks UFW President Arturo Rodriguez, who is leading the march with union co-founder Dolores Huerta.
"SB 1736 would finally fulfill the promise of the original 1975 law establishing the farm workers’ right to organize," Rodriguez says.
The march up Hwy. 99 during the searing heat of the Central Valley summer was part of a UFW campaign that also includes Capitol vigils to get the governor to approve the bill.
Who: More than 100 farm worker supporters, including actor Ed Begley Jr. and L.A. County AFL-CIO leader Miguel Contreras.
What: Rally outside Gov. Gray Davis’ Los Angeles office urging him to sign historic legislation enabling farm workers to win union contracts.
When: 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m., Thursday, Aug. 29, 2002.
Where: Ronald Reagan State Office Building, 300 So. Spring St., downtown Los Angeles.
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