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East L.A. students help turn out new immigrant Latino voters in breakthrough labor drive

12:15 pm. Saturday, October 17, 1998

East L.A. students help turn out new immigrant Latino voters in breakthrough labor drive

Dozens of Eastside students will join labor and political leaders, and two Hollywood celebrities in an exciting new campaign to transform L.A. and California politics by turning out unprecedented numbers of first-time new-immigrant Latino voters. After a morning conference on political empowerment, the group will take part in a 12:15 p.m. rally and then hit the streets of East L.A.

Backed by the United Farm Workers, Hotel and Restaurant Employees, Service Employees International Union and the Los Angeles County AFL-CIO, this unique labor-sponsored drive has already dramatically increased turnout by new immigrants.

Traditional political campaigns have historically ignored such people because conventional wisdom says they don’t vote. But mailers and door-to-door appeals to new Latino immigrant voters elected 46th District

Assemblyman Gil Cedillo in a November 1997 special election and 49th District Assembly candidate Gloria Romero in the June 2, 1998 Democratic primary.

A much-expanded fall drive seeks to turn out nearly 100,000 voters in three East Los Angeles Assembly districts by using students as well as hundreds of rank-and-file union members complimented by another direct mail campaign.

Who: Dozens of East L.A. students joining Jackie Guerra (ASelena@, AFirst Time Out@), Tony Plana (ALone Star@, AZoot Suit@, ANixon@), Los Angeles County Federation of Labor Executive Secretary-Treasurer Miguel Contreras and 49th Assembly District Democratic candidate Dr. Gloria Romero.

What: Rally and door-to-door appeals for new immigrant Latino voters to go to the polls on Nov. 3 and help elect Gray Davis and other Democratic candidates.

When: 12:15 p.m., Saturday, October 17, 1998; door-to-door visits start at 1 p.m.

Where: Student Activities Center- G1 Building, East Los Angeles College, 1301 Avenida Cesar Chavez (Cross St.: Atlantic.)

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