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Coachella farm workers, Latino activists will push legalization for immigrants

9 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, July 13,  in Coachella
Coachella farm workers, Latino activists will push legalization for immigrants  

Farm workers and Latino activists will conduct a marathon signature-gathering drive Saturday in the Coachella Valley as part of a nationwide grassroots effort to put immigration reform back on the agenda this fall for President Bush and Congress.

The United Farm Workers is helping to sponsor a campaign across the country to deliver 1 million post cards to the nation’s capital urging America‘s political leaders to "support immigration policies that reward work by giving hard-working, tax-paying immigrants already in the United States the opportunity to earn legal status." That drive is being backed throughout the country by a broad-based coalition of business, religious and worker groups.

On Saturday, the UFW and the Latinos Unidos community organization will collect signatures at different locations across the Coachella Valley urging legalization for undocumented workers. The day’s events will also include live music and blood donations in a mobile facility.

The coalition is pushing legislation enabling undocumented workers and their families presently in this country to earn legal status by continuing to perform "vital" tasks in key industries. The UFW is also sponsoring similar proposals in the U.S. House and Senate covering undocumented agricultural workers and their family members.

Who:   Farm workers and community activists, including UFW National Vice President Gustavo Aguirre.

What:  Collecting signatures urging President Bush and Congress to let undocumented workers earn legal status by working at U.S. jobs.

When:  9 a.m.-3 p.m., Saturday, July 13, 2002.

Where: Activities organized out of the La Plaza parking lot, [exact street address], between Hwy. 111 and Hwy. 86, Coachella.

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