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Cesar Chavez’s legacy: 2,000 retired farm workers or spouses, some moved to tears, each receive up to $1,000 in bonuses from UFW-grower pension plan

4/30/99- 5/19/99

Cesar Chavez’s legacy: 2,000 retired farm workers or spouses, some moved to tears, each receive up to $1,000 in bonuses from UFW-grower pension plan

Among the many firsts for United Farm Workers founder Cesar Chavez was creation in 1975 of the nation’s first–and only–functioning pension plan for farm laborers. To mark the sixth anniversary of his death, the Juan de la Cruz Farm Workers Pension Fund is handing out bonus payments of up to $1,000 to nearly 2,000 union pensioners from 20 states. Altogether, about $2 million is going to pensioners or surviving spouses-from California and Arizona to Texas and Florida.

Chavez’s successor as UFW president, Arturo Rodriguez, and pension fund Administrator Douglas Blaylock are distributing checks in eight ceremonies held during April and May in California and Florida. Some elderly pensioners, in wheelchairs or on crutches, have been moved to tears by the event "that affirms their dignity and worth as important human beings," Rodriguez observes.

The bonuses result from a surplus reflecting "excellent returns on investments and other actuarial gains," Blaylock notes. Since 1989, the pension plan–which is funded by hourly per-worker contributions from growers under UFW contract–has provided cost-of-living increases and other adjustments.

Bonuses of $1,000–minus federal income tax withholding –are going to all retirees on pension rolls as of Jan. 1, 1999. Bonuses of $500–not subject to tax withholding under IRS rules–are going to surviving spouses eligible as of Jan. 1.

The pension plan was named for Juan de la Cruz, a 60-year old farm worker striker shot to death on a Kern County vineyard picketline in 1973. Chavez died on April 23, 1993.

Who: UFW President Arturo Rodriguez and as many as 2000 retired farm workers or surviving spouses,

What: Marking the sixth anniversary of Cesar Chavez’s death by handing out pension bonuses of as much as $1,000.


Coachella, CA: The Bagdouma Center, 84620 Bagdad St., in Coachella, 10 am, 4/30/99

Calexico, CA: Neighborhood House, 506 4th Street, in Calexico., 3 pm, 4/30/99

Oxnard, CA: C.E.T., 761 South AC@ St., in Oxnard, 1 pm, 5/6/99

Salinas, CA: Iglesia Cristo Rey – Community Hall, 40 Sherwood Dr., in Salinas, 12 noon, 5/7/99

Ft. Pierce, FL.: St. Mark Missionary Baptist Church, 921 Orange Ave., Fort Pierce, 12 noon, 5/13/99

Modesto, CA: Aztlan Book Store, 907 10th St., Modesto, 12 noon, 5/17/99

Delano, CA: UFW’s Fourty Acres, Garces Highway & Mettler Ave, Delano, 12 noon, 5/18/99

Napa, CA: Union Hall, 1606 Main St., Napa, 12 noon, 5/19/99
