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California Immigrant Rights Groups Launch ‘11 Days for 11 Million” Sit-In, Fast in Front of Republican Whip Kevin McCarthy’s Bakersfield Office

California Immigrant Rights Groups Launch ‘11 Days for 11 Million” Sit-In, Fast in Front of Republican Whip Kevin McCarthy’s Bakersfield Office

Pro-immigration reform activists kick off campaign to register voters, inform voters about Rep. McCarthy’s inaction on immigration

Bakersfield, CA – The broad statewide pro-immigration reform coalition of California businesses, unions, community, and faith groups will ramp up the pressure on Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy, the third most powerful House Representative, tomorrow by calling on him to schedule a vote for immigration reform. Late last month, Rep. McCarthy claimed there would be no time to vote on immigration legislation this year and his staff at his local district office refused to engage in positive collaboration and receive concerns by closing the doors on a group of immigration reform advocates who showed up hoping to meet with them to work on a solution for our country’s broken immigration system.

Beginning Tuesday, Dec. 3, for 11 days, Californians from all walks of life will come together in Bakersfield and “occupy” Rep. McCarthy’s office until Friday, Dec. 13, the last day Congress is in session.  During this time, several immigration reform advocates will begin fasting in solidarity with those in Washington, DC. At the same time, teams of canvassers will reach out to constituents in neighborhoods of Rep. McCarthy’s district and engage residents about the importance of passing comprehensive immigration reform and educate constituents of how Congressman McCarthy is blocking reform from happening this year. In addition, the campaign will focus on registering new district voters.

Twenty-two days ago, several pro-immigration reform activists began a fast on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., garnering support from 5,000 more solidarity fasters, with the hope and belief that the personal sacrifices would call attention to the hope and dreams of millions of people in this country fighting for commonsense immigration reform. The action is to remind lawmakers that immigration reform is not about politics, it is about people—the grandmothers and grandfathers, the mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers and the sacrifices they make every day to give their children a better life.

Event:  The Launch of “11 Days for 11 Million”—a week of Act. Fast. Pray. throughout Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy’s District

Who:  Kern Coalition for Citizenship, California Labor Federation, students, workers, faith, business, fasters and immigrant families.  Speakers include:Arturo S. Rodriguez, UFW President; Art Pulaski, Secretary Treasurer California Labor Federation; Mike Garcia, SEIU-USWW President; Paola Fernandez (Dreamer), Kern Coalition for Citizenship 

When:  Tuesday, Dec. 3 at 12:00 noon

              Daily Vigil through Friday, Dec. 13

Where:  Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s office, 4100 Empire Drive, Bakersfield, CA


The Kern Coalition for Citizenship is comprised of a broad alliance of partners, such as SEIU Local 521, United Farm Workers (UFW), UFW Foundation, La Campesina 92.5, Cesar Chavez Foundation, SEIU International, Mi Familia Vota Education Fund, SEIU Local 1000, Communications Workers of America, CA Partnership, Dolores Huerta Foundation, CSUB United Now for Immigrant Rights (UNIR), CSUB MECHA, Unidad Popular Benito Juarez (UPBJ), California Faculty Association – Bakersfield Chapter, Heritage of America, American G.I. Forum—Kern County Chapter, CHIRLA, Community Trust Federal Credit Union, F.I.E.L.D. and Organizing for Action.