Keep Me in the Loop!

April 28, 2011: Message from UFW President Arturo S. Rodriguez

In preparation for the UFW’s 50th anniversary next year, we have already contacted so many past and present friends and supporters, and received great responses from them. They are anxious to participate in many ways to ensure the success of our 18th Constitutional Convention, officially marking the 50th anniversary on May 19 & 20, 2012, in Bakersfield, California. Two in particular are enthusiastic in helping honor the past 50 years and ensuring the UFW continues fighting for the rights of farm workers and their families over the next half century. Kris Kristofferson, a longtime committed friend, has offered to go on a concert tour next year and donate all the proceeds to the UFW. Also, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg will be hosting a fundraising event for us at the Mayor’s Mansion in the next few months. This is just the beginning. We hope to have many more events in anticipation of and around next year’s anniversary observances, all aimed at achieving the UFW’s goal of a safe and just food supply.