Keep Me in the Loop!

Applying Nelson Mandela’s thoughts to our movement

When we apply Nelson Mandela’s life and work to our own movement, two of his thoughts stand out with particular meaning.


 "Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again," said the late champion of both freedom and forgiveness in South Africa.


Cesar Chavez probably had at least as many defeats as victories during his career. But every time he suffered a failure, Cesar too picked himself up, dusted himself off and went back to fighting for what he believed in.


Nelson Mandela also once said, "It always seems impossible until it’s done."


"Si Se Puede!" ("Yes, it can be done") is still the rallying cry of our movement.


Arturo S. Rodriguez, President 

United Farm Workers of America  


 Paul F. Chavez, President 

Cesar Chavez Foundation