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ASU Web Devil: West campus to honor Cesar Chavez

West campus to honor César Chávez

 by Joseph N. Hermiz 

To commemorate the life of labor leader and civil rights activist César Chávez, ASU West’s Hispanic Honor Society and the College of Human Services will host an event Friday and celebration of Chávez’s birthday on Monday.

Friday’s event will take place on the campus soccer field from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Honor Society and the College of Human Services are expecting more than 100 students from the Agua Fria High School District to attend this ceremony.

Monday’s event will take place on the Fletcher Lawn, and students from Glendale and Phoenix Community College are expected to attend. Students at the West Campus are also highly encouraged to attend the ceremony from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m.

"The students will be able to learn about César Chávez through poster displays with facts about his life and from guest speaker Ernesto Escobedo, a good friend of César Chávez," said Brenda E. Avalos, global business senior and Hispanic Honor Society president.

In addition to a presentation about César Chávez’s life, students will also be presented with registration packets containing information about admission, scholarships and other informational documents about ASU. The students will also have the opportunity to participate in craft activities.

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