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Send your message of encouragement to workers negotiating first contracts

Amadeo Sumano, Strawberry

From Our Hands to Your Tables: Oxnard farm worker Amadeo Sumano is a true chavista who has joined many a march as the UFW has fought for things like overtime for farm workers and heat protections. He says, “The labor we do 365 days a year is very important. Our hands are the hands that harvest the crop. Without them, who will feed America? Viva the UFW! #ThankAFarmworker #WeFeedYou / Amadeo Sumano trabajador agrícola de Oxnard es realmente un Chavista que se a unido a muchas marchas como La Unión de Campesinos para pelear por cosas como, pago de tiempo extra y protection de la calor. El dice, “El labor que hacemos 365 días al año es muy importante. Nuestras manos son las manos que piscan las cosechas. Sin ellas, quien le va dar de comer a America? Viva La Unión de Campesinos!”

From Our Hands to Your Tables: Oxnard farm worker Amadeo Sumano is a true chavista who has joined many a march as the…

Posted by UFW on Saturday, December 2, 2017