Keep Me in the Loop!

Send your message of encouragement to workers negotiating first contracts

Eugenio Gomez Hernandez, Strawberry worker

Strawberry worker Eugenio Gomez Hernandez is excited that he just helped negotiate a new UFW contract at his company Dole Berries. He shares, “Working under a UFW contract is very satisfying for me because when you are working under a contract everything is safer and they respect you. I have been working at DBN, Dole Berry North, since 1998. Because of our contract we have benefits – for example, our medical insurance is very good, our payment is very low and all the family qualifies. It also has very good services. I feel very happy with the benefits my family and I have. I am happy because we signed a contract for the next 2 years and I will have my benefits and the best part is the medical insurance which includes medical, dental and vision. That is why I am happy I am happy to be working under contract.”

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