Keep Me in the Loop!

Julio Hernandez

julioJulio Hernandez has worked for the Giumarra Companies for nearly 25 years in the grape industry. He knows working conditions have never been great at Giumarra Vineyards.

Sometimes, he said, the company makes a few improvements to appease those seeking union representation. But, as soon as times passes by, the company goes back to mistreating workers and not providing them with the necessary tools.

After the last election, the company started providing workers with tables and wheel barrels. The tables, however, were not suitable for their jobs.

“After finishing a row, tables must be moved, but by then the tables are too heavy,” Hernandez said.

“Often, the workers are females and are not able to move them from one location to another without running the risk of causing them a physical injury.

The wheel barrels were also not the appropriate used in the industry. The two-tire wheel barrels become extremely difficult to push and when they are full with trays, they are nearly impossible to move from one location to another, Hernandez said.