Keep Me in the Loop!

November 11: Message from UFW President Arturo Rodriguez

In the past two weeks we’ve had the chance to spend a lot of time with farm workers and union staff working to ensure we get the best possible re-negotiated contract at D’Arrigo Bros. vegetable company in the Salinas Valley. Not too surprising, the company seems to be illegally working to get rid of the union, orchestrating efforts to decertify the UFW; under California law, the decision to bring in or kick out the union solely belongs to the workers. Fortunately, many of the workers at D’Arrigo really understand the value and importance of maintaining UFW representation at their company.

The D’Arrigo workers courage, leadership and determination never ceases to amaze me. It is critical for us to continue to aid them in their efforts to improve their standard of living and a make better future for them and their families.

Arturo S. Rodriguez, President
United Farm Workers