Keep Me in the Loop!

November 19: Message from UFW President Arturo Rodriguez

This week, Republican congressional leaders proposed an unconstitutional bill denying U.S. citizenship to children born in this country to undocumented immigrants. Also this week, California’s Superior Court unanimously confirmed that undocumented immigrant students have the right to attend state colleges and universities without having to pay costly out-of-state tuition. Legal experts say the high court ruling could influence other states considering the same issue. Also this week, Pedro Ramirez, 22, Fresno State’s popular student body president, revealed he is undocumented. Pedro, who came here with his parents when he was 3, should not be penalized because he happens to be undocumented. We should encourage all of our young people regardless of immigration status to be as prepared as possible to serve our state and communities to the best of their abilities and potential. We should praise the state high court decision, embrace Pedro’s courage and determination to be a leader among his fellow students, and condemn the Republicans in Congress for shamelessly appealing to ignorance and prejudice when many Americans are beset by economic hardship.

Arturo S. Rodriguez, President
United Farm Workers