Keep Me in the Loop!

December 26, 2010: Holiday Message from UFW President Arturo S. Rodriguez

As a new year arrives, we want to express our genuine gratitude for your interest, support, commitment and faith in what all of us in the farm worker movement strive each day to achieve. We celebrate much progress in 2010: Bargaining gains, such as re-negotiation of our second union contract with eastern Oregon’s Threemile Canyon Farms, the largest dairy west of the Mississippi, as well as ongoing field organizing, including at the giant Bakersfield-headquartered Giumarra vineyards. This year we focused unprecedented national attention on the pressing need for the UFW’s bipartisan AgJobs immigration reform bill with four segments on Stephen Colbert’s “Colbert Report” and his testimony, alongside us, before Congress.

Now we prepare to open a new chapter by attending the swearing in on Monday, Jan. 3 in Sacramento of Gov.-elect Jerry Brown. No other governor in California history created more positive change for farm workers. Farm workers across the state worked hard to elect him last fall and look forward to further progress beginning in 2011. Have a happy and safe New Year. “Si Se Puede!”

Arturo S. Rodriguez, President
United Farm Workers of America