Keep Me in the Loop!

March 21, 2011: Message from UFW President Arturo S. Rodriguez

Gallo of Sonoma’s 370 wine grape workers scored a major victory when they renegotiated their UFW contract with one of America’s largest wineries. The new three-year contract covering workers at Gallo’s Sonoma County operation boosts hourly pay and piece rates. Gallo workers employed by labor contractors will each receive a $600 bonus, $400 at the end of the season and $200 when they return. Piece-rate workers will be guaranteed $10.02 an hour. The hourly rate for pruning will be guaranteed at $10.35. Workers required to pick grapes when it rains will get an addition $5 per ton. The new agreement was ratified by the Gallo workers and we are setting up a meeting with the company to sign the final document. Gallo of Sonoma workers are happy with this important union contract win and with the protections of UFW representation they will continue to enjoy.

Arturo S. Rodriguez, President
United Farm Workers of America