Keep Me in the Loop!

June 21, 2011: Message from UFW President Arturo S Rodriguez asking for your support of SB104

Since the passage of SB 104, the Fair Treatment for Farm Workers Act by state Senate leader Darrell Steinberg, the United Farm Workers has been working diligently to get Gov. Jerry Brown to sign this historic legislation.  As of June 16, when we delivered the bill to his desk, the governor had 12 days to sign or veto the bill.  So far the he has done neither. The reason this bill is so important is pretty simple: Farm workers continue to be denied the opportunity to join a union because of intimidation by growers and their agents. Without this majority sign up bill, these fear tactics will continue. Farm workers need SB 104 to give them an alternative to the current system that grower fear has turned into a mockery of democracy.

But time is running out.  If this bill is to become law, we need you to act today.  Legislators,  elected officials, Capitol staff, members of the Chavez family, clergy, labor leaders, farm workers and many others are joining us in one day rotating fasts this week. 

For the sake of the men and women who work in the fields, please help.  Sign the UFW’s online petition to Gov. Jerry Brown at and urge him to sign SB104, the Fair Treatment for Farm Workers Act.

Thank you for joining with us on this important effort.

Si Se Puede!

Arturo S. Rodriguez, President
United Farm Workers