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7/15/15: Message from UFW President Arturo S. Rodriguez: UFW and the UFW Foundation organizers conducting ‘heat sweeps’ during summer harvests

UFW and the UFW Foundation organizers conducting ‘heat sweeps’ during summer harvests

With direct support and encouragement from so many of our supporters, dozens of United Farm Workers and UFW Foundation organizers are busy visiting with workers at California farms during summer harvest seasons where temperatures often reach and exceed 95 degrees — in addition to advising them of other rights they have under the law. It’s part of the organizations’ "heat sweeps," checking for compliance with stronger state regulations issued in June to prevent heat deaths and illnesses plus settlement of a major lawsuit brought by the UFW and family members who lost loved ones to extreme heat. A partnership resulting from the settlement between Cal-OSHA, the state work safety agency, and the UFW and UFW Foundation is beefing up enforcement.So far the UFW and the UFW Foundation have spoken to thousands of workers and helped them organize to stand up for their rights under the farm labor law and under the lawsuit settlement. In addition, we’ve added a special heat texting program that specifically engages workers and encourages them to report violations in a confidential manner. And we’ve made use of our social media program, engaging farm workers on Facebook, sharing the new rules, posting pictures of workers in the fields sent by farm workers, staff and supporters and encouraging workers to comment and share stories of their own experiences.

Thanks for caring and giving. It makes a difference. Your support helps us get out there and speak before tragedy strikes again this summer.

Si Se Puede!

Arturo S. Rodriguez, President
United Farm Workers of America