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Community, Labor, Faith-Based Leaders to Back New Driver’s License and Road Safety Bill

11 a.m. on Wednesday in Fresno
Community, Labor, Faith-Based Leaders to Back New Driver’s License and Road Safety Bill

Dozens of community, labor, and faith-based organizations–including the United Farm Workers–have joined together in a coalition called “Californians For Safer Roads & Highways”.  This Coalition will hold a press conference Wednesday to announce their support for SB 1160 (Cedillo), the Immigrant Responsibility and Security Act.  SB 1160 will encourage safer roads and highways by making sure all of California’s drivers are licensed and trained.
This press conference is one of a number that will be held throughout the state.
While UFW President Arturo Rodriguez expressed some reservations about the current legislation, he stressed the importance of supporting SB1160 saying, “Immigrants harvest food for both Democrats and Republicans. They work in the hotels and restaurants for both Democrats and Republicans. They care for people’s kids, work in construction and in hospitals for both Democrats and Republicans.  Now everyone, Democrats and Republicans, should support our people’s right to drive and keep the roads safe.”

WHAT   :    Press Conference on New Bill to Promote Safer Roads and Highways, Provide Driver’s          
                  Licenses and Training for all Californians.
WHO    :    Labor, Community, and Faith-Based Leaders, including UFW Vice President Lupe Martinez
WHEN  :    11:00 a.m., TOMORROW, Wed., June 2, 2004
WHERE:    Offices of the National Farm Worker Service Center, 2500 Madera Street
                 (cross street N Street), in Fresno.
